Mason County, Illinois ILGenWeb


History of Menard and Mason Counties, Illinois, 1879, by Miller & Ruggles
Kilbourne Township
Page 809

GEORGE W RANSON, farmer; P O Kilbourne; is a son of John B Ranson, who was an old pioneer in this county, and one who was a zealous and enthusiastic worker in the ministry, and was identified with the society called Christians, sometimes termed "Campbellites;" his mother's name was Ann Audas; both of them were natives of England, and came here at any early day. George was born on the same place where he now resides Dec 17, 1848, and was left an orphan at an early age, and was then under the care of his elder brother; after his 13th year, he earned his own living, and in 1870, began farming on his own account, and subsequently united in marriage with Sarah E Ainsworth, born Sept 26, 1851; she is a daughter of Thomas Ainsworth of Chandlerville; they have two children--Alonzo, born June 23, 1876; Clara, Sept 10, 1878; he and his wife are both members of the M E Church.

Maintained by Mason County Coordinator Donna Mayer